On December 30th, 2010 Ben Woodward and myself embarked to the great city of New York, to experience the granddaddy part of them all: The New Years celebration at Times Square. Our hotel was smack dab in the middle of the square giving us prime seats to watch the ball drop, and we had the energy to live it up in the busiest city in the world. Ben sucks, and I hate him, but throughout our stay in NYC, I realized how terrible of a person he really is. Screw that guy. Just remember, if you every visit New York, remember as you gaze upon the sight of the statue of liberty how bad you’d like to punch Ben in the face.
Anyways, like most partiers on New Years, our night began with some excessive drinking, going to and from the hotel finding ways to wreak havoc on the city. Now, I don’t know what it is about the NYPD, but it seemed to me as if each one of them had a stick permanently impaled into their rectum. We would respectfully ask them questions such as “If we leave how hard is it to get back in,” or “Can we get across the street to get to the Sbarro?” Quickly, they would shoot back with their obnoxious New York attitude “HEY YOU SEE WHAT I’M DEALIN’ WIT HERE!?” or “THEY DON’T WANT YA, TRY BACK INA HOUR” and “DON’T BODDA ME, DON’T YA SEE I’M WORKIN’ HERE!?”
Knowing we couldn’t venture out and get food, without running the risk of not getting back into the square, we headed back up to our hotel hoping to score some overly priced room service. Amazingly, we were the only ones who entered the elevator. Therefore, I pressed button 19 to head to our floor. However, the alcohol in Ben’s body worked through his bloodstream and up to his brain, giving him the good idea of pressing every single button above 19 (up to floor 43), just like in the movie “Elf.” This was all innocent fun, until we reach the 5th floor, when an elderly woman entered the elevator, reaching for the 39th floor button, only to realize it was already pressed, along with every other button above our floor. My initial reaction was an “Oh no! We’re gonna get in so much trouble!” Both of us stood silent as we began ascending toward our floor. No eye contact was made as the woman gazed upon the button layout, confused as to how something like this could have happened. For a short moment, there was a slight glimmer of hope that she might not know it was us. We could actually pull this off! Everything was going all right until we hit the 12th floor. A quick snicker came out of my mouth, followed by a snicker from Ben. The chuckles grew louder and harder to contain the higher we got, and by the time we had made our escape to the 19th, it was too late. Our scattered giggles turned into a full blown howls of laughter as well left the poor woman with her blank stare overwhelmed with the situation presented in front of her. She took the rest of her long elevator ride in sadness.
After our meal, a couple more drinks, and a few fights, it was getting close to the time that everybody waits for; The dropping of the ball. Excitement was high, and I was ready to celebrate. I was near a gate in which the police had been trying to contain people in, and so far, they were doing a pretty good job. It was within the final minute, and the countdown had begun. Police had been shoving people left and right, including me a couple times. That was ok though, I was in too good of a mood to let it get to me. The 5-second countdown had begun, and at that moment, all hell broke loose.
5 - The crowd had become too fierce to contain, and a massive blitzkrieg of force from the crowd broke through the gates, leaving NYPD helpless in stopping the masses.
4 - I ran out to the square like mad man as the count commenced, followed by thousands of others.
3- No No No! Screamed the police, frantically doing everything they could to delay the countdown. There was no stopping this blast off.
2 – Out of sight from police I was in the square within sight of the ball. This was it. Time was running out, and this was a test that stretched the capabilities of the human body.
1 – Stepping out and looking forward, there it was in all her glory; The legendary ball in all of her splendor. Thousands joined as we gazed upon the magical sight and prepared to shout the famous words in the most famous city square in the world.
A sea of confetti blasted through the air as we screamed the words. We had done it! And I was ecstatic! The aura of the celebration caused a reaction in my body to run amuck, giving everybody I saw a hug/kiss/new years wish! Then all of a sudden, an uncontrollable sensation come about me and before you know it, I was in the middle of big circle of Asians crowded around with camera lights flashing as I got down and pulled of the dirtiest stanky leg dance that had ever been graced upon the City of New York, a move Mr. Woodward and myself had been mimicking for hours each day since we watched Soulja boi pull it off with style and elegance. Pretty soon, people were having their pictures taken with me like I was some famous street performer.
The night after that turned into sort of a blur, talking to some guy from Seattle but then suddenly having him run off to chase after some cougar, taking pictures of a bunch of cops, and running amongst the confetti ridden streets. All of a sudden, I woke up on top of my bed, covered in red white and blue tissue paper, and quite dehydrated. I walked down to a corner store near the hotel to get some water and energy drink. Upon my return to the hotel, I kept on getting looks of approval from people and comments such as “Hey what’s up drunk guy?” Then it dawned on me. I had somewhat become a celebrity for a day, the most popular guy in Time Square for that one brief moment. While I savored this thought, I walked back up to my room with a grin on my face. I knew the trip was worth it, and although I miss the west side of the country, I’m glad I was blessed with the opportunity to live in Washington DC.
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